Friday, July 24, 2009

Cherry Red

8" x 8" acrylic on canvas panel
I wanted to paint these cherries one last time before they were too shriveled. I love the bright yellow background. The two touching cherries are supposed to draw your eye. It is a composition trick I read about in the book, "The Simple Secret to Better Painting ". It is a great book, and I recommend it to anyone trying to make more interesting paintings.


  1. I love this, Leslie. I like the bright background, the shadows of the stems. and the kissing cherries. Great values in the cherries and even reflected light in your shadows. Really nice.

  2. Aunt Leslie...These are awesome! I had not seen your work until I was browsing the web. Can't wait to see more!

    Love, Cori

  3. Thank you Cori! Isn't the internet amazing?
